Training Programs

Private Lessons

Private lessons are an hour long lesson, customized to meet your dogs needs. These lessons are done in real life environments to help both dog and owner reach their goals. The lessons will generally start in your home and we will work our way to more distracting environments . In each lesson I will work with both the dog(s) and the owner(s) on a specific exercise that will help reach the owners goal. In between lessons you will be given homework to work on to ensure that your dog is getting a good understanding of what we are trying to teach.

2 Private Lesson $300

4 Private Lessons $560

6 Private Lessons $780

not sure how many lessons you may need we can start with a smaller package and upgrade to the next package if needed.

I offer 25% off of private lessons for newly adopted or purchased puppies and dogs as long as you sign up for training within the 1st month of getting your new pup!

Out of town or just have some questions

Phone Consult -30 Min $50 or 45 Min $60

Virtual Lesson- 30 min $60 or 60 Min $90

Training equipment needed will depend on the dog and the owners goals. A Herm Springer Prong collar will be provided in the lessons if needed. For certain behaviors or off leash control I may suggest an E-Collar (electric collar). I am very specific about the brands and style of E-collar I will use. Educator is the brand that I recommend.